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Crow (and Bryan) in the Desert
Last summer, I was hosted by The Desert Rat Residency for Writers in Palm Desert, CA - and during my stay, the dam broke, and I wrote a...
Mar 18

Felice Picano (1944 - 2025) / On Kissing Elder Gay Poets
Ian Young called me this afternoon to tell me Felice died "peacefully and not alone." I'm proud to have called him a friend. When last I...
Mar 12

Turning to the Old Gods
I've long held Allen Ginsberg in high regard as a queer elder. I've read "Howl" and the early poems and the final poems. I've seen him as...
Feb 28

Feb 24

The Struggle
I'm struggling with social media these days. It sure seems like there are a lot of "bot" accounts that are designed to make us upset /...
Feb 21

Sons of Abraham
My grief grows with the years. I count seventeen Octobers come and gone, imagine a green-eyed boy with hair the color of straw, ...
Feb 20
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